Monday, February 27, 2012

How to request fundraiser donations

Dear Followers,

  Wowzers! The month of February is close to its end... Its crazy really.. March 2012? Madness right! As I sit typing it is pouring one of this season's few rainstorms. So what came mind this cold rainy winter's night? Soup or maybe a good movie? No, my friends.. Fundraisers!

  Spring has classically been a popular time for charitable fundraisers in the casino industry.. and with Spring a mere 22 days away, I think its perfect timing for a fundraiser primer.
  The basic rundown of a casino fundraiser is as follows:

  1. Committee decides on a casino fundraiser
    1. Book D&E Casino ;) 
    2. Book your venue
    3. Begin marketing your event
  2. Guest buy tickets to event
  3. Day of the event
    1. Hosts provide basic food and drink. Alcoholic beverages are frequently extra. 
    2. Casino tables are hyped up throughout event with play money specials and one-time table prizes. 
    3. Gaming is accompanied with dancing or other recreational activity. 
    4. Guests exchange remaining chips for raffle tickets, which are put into a prize-drawing.  

 One of the important motivators for your attendees are the raffle prizes that are given out at the end of table gaming. Thus it is IMPERATIVE that you as a host focus on obtaining GREAT prizes. So how to secure absolutely fantabulous prizes? There several methods. The first method involves recruiting from your personal network. Make a list of your friends/family that own businesses. Approach those most familiar individuals first; they are more likely to really contribute to your cause. Another source to approach are local businesses that are related or involved in your charity.

 Remember that business owners want to give back to the community.

Not only are donations tax deductible, but consumers favor those businesses that take an active investment in their well-being. 

The final method, cold-calling, is less-favorable but can still produce great results. Its all about the presentation here!!! So write a letter with the following components:

  • A brief summary of the upcoming event
  • Number of event attendees
  • Amount of funds raised last year
  • The end-goal or purpose for the money raised
Feel free to mail your letters, but for the best results, present your letters in person. Plan ahead and find out when the business-owner is in-office. Keep a smile and remember why you need their donations.  

Well, folks I hope that helps!!!! Send us any questions on getting your fundraiser off the ground. 

Stay Dry!!!! 
Your Blogger, 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fatty Fatty: Fat Tuesday!

Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras Approaches! Tomorrow is the day which marks the end of Carnival season and the commencement of Lent. In contrast to contemporary Mardi Gras( meaning Fat Tuesday in French) merriment, traditional celebrations included anticipatory feasting on rich dishes fasting to precede Lenten fasting and costumed parades. While many modern parties lack the original religious undertones, some catholic-majority cities still host time-honored religious events.  Fat Tuesday is celebrated throughout the world including Northern and Southern Europe, South America, in addition to the United States.
D&E Casino Services was happy to contribute to 2 Mardi Gras celebrations this year. It was our absolute pleasure to visit:   

Similar to customary celebrations, guests are encouraged to wear masks or their most elegant finery. Lively music and rich foods accompanied by an open dance floor where attendees could frolic unrecognized in their temporary disguises. Sometimes, like this past weekend, beads and other prizes are passed out to top-table-winners. We have serviced many of these events in the last 20 years and they are always a pleasure. Please call us at 562-925-1957 if you would like to discuss a Mardis Gras, Carnival, or Masquerade party. 

Do enjoy your custards, cakes, doughnuts, and whatever else strikes your fancy this Fat Tuesday.
Cheers from your blogger!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The day for lovers. birds, and candies: V-Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! In western society, today is the day that in modern times has come to represent the day of love or sweethearts. The day of candies and chocolates, and for those us older than 21, champagne. I am certain that many of you are planning a dinner with your sweetheart or singles awareness get-together. I would love to present a potential dinner menu or some analysis of the number of single people that run to Vegas on February 14th, but since D&E Casino Services is a multi-cultural company that truly embraces love of all forms. I want to give a brief highlight of love celebrations around the world.  

A story in pictures:

 I love the card above which was intended for the exchange of children in the 1920's. 

St. Dwynwen's Day is an alternative holiday celebrated in England on February 25th. The day commemorates the patron saint of Welsh lovers. 

 Ystävänpäivä is the finish holiday celebrated on Febraury 14th which means Friends Day. The day is spent with friends and remembering the importance of good freindship. 

In Barcelona on April 23rd, a holiday called La Diada de Sant Jordi celebrates Catalonia's patron saint who is said to have saved a princess from certain death by a dragon.Traditional April 23rd honors romantic love and chivalrousness. In contemporary times, the holiday has been conjoined with the  death anniversaries of William Shakespeare and Miguel  de Cervantes for International book day, in which men give special ladies roses and women reciprocate with a book. 

Dragobete is the Romanian celebration that is more closely linked to nature than Valentine's day. On February 24th, Romanians honor the season of love, the time when birds nest and new life arrives. Traditionally boys and girls would gather flowers, while maidens gathered snow to protect themselves fr illnesses. 

 In South Korea, Valentine's Day is a segregated holiday. Meaning on February  14th, or Red day, only women give men chocolate.. But on White day, march 14th, men give women non-chocolate candies. On April 14th, Black day, those that did not receive any gifts eat black noodles to wallow in their single life. 

Well folks! That is just a quick look at various love holidays. I hope that you have enjoyed it and will enjoy your festivities tonight.  

Your Blogger, 
