Monday, November 30, 2009

Santa's workshop is in full-swing

With tomorrow comes the official start of D&E Casino's busiest month. Our workshop of event representatives are busy planning and accommodating the requests of our clients. The staff is booked and google maps is keyed, so let it snow let it let snow! JK its way too cold for that snow nonsense. We are ready to get into the holiday flow of multiple events everyday all throughout Southern California. We cannot wait to encounter the wild situations which will undoubtedly ensue. As I like to tell my family, we would be the subject of an awesome reality TV show called " Fun times at the Bingham." Thankfully our fantastic independent contractors and employees make the entire production possible. We have also managed to have some fun and post a few videos on youtube

On independent contractor deserves special attention.... With baby Chris now being over one years old, my cousin Cindy Ramirez has returned to our team of independent contractors. Everyone is very excited to have Cindy back( myself especially). Cindy began working for the company as a teenager, continued working for several years, and then went on hiatus with the birth of her children. Welcome back Cindy!

For all of those that have not yet booked your holiday event, do not despair. The world will remain on its axis! The sun will continue to shine and Oprah will never go off-air...... And furthermore, we still have some December availability. Call 562-925-1957 or email

A quick note for all readers: in order to comment on blog posts you must register for a google account and then blogger will allow you to comment at will. We appreciate all types of commentary:) If any further issues occur email
As of 12/3/09 non-registered google users can also comment on the blog:)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Spotlight of Jacob Krucynski

What is a team without its component members? Without individuals a team is merely a name. At D&E Casino services each team member holds a personal significance to our owners and management. Each dealer’s personality and demeanor contributes to the overall ambience of an event. We are so thankful for the work of our independent contractors and employees. This week I am going to spotlight long-time independent contractor and friend of the company, Jacob Kruczynski.
Jacob started work with the company while attending Cal State Long Beach as a Business Major and member of the Cross Country Team. Jacob’s intelligence and exceptional work-ethic accelerated his progression within the company. He soon joined the delivery crew, craps dealer roster, and office team. When asked Ellie(co-CEO) what aided Jacob in his rapid promotion she replied “ Jacob is a quick-study and enjoys putting together the puzzle.” As the event industry is oftentimes a logistical riddle, his solution-orientated mind-frame is a great asset to the company. Jennifer (Jr. Partner) added that “Jacob possesses the flexibility necessary to succeed in this business.” Given the long hours close quarter nature of our company, Jacob also became a friend and loved-one amongst our family.
As a company we are very excited to share some recent changes in Jacob’s life, including his home-owner status and engagement to the lovely Jess. He exemplifies the American dream; that independence, success, and family are achieved with hard-work integrity.
So Thank You Jacob!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Thanksgiving like many American holidays has been streamlined into a day spent eating large amounts of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. As most Americans learn in elementary school, Thanksgiving was first celebrated to thank God for enabling Plymoth Rock pilgrims to endure a harsh Winter throught the help of Native Americans. In fact, most of the "traditional" Thanksgiving feast items were not present for the first Thanksgiving meal of 1621. Ironically the first Thanksgiving were spent fasting rather than overindulging in Autumn food staples.

Unlike Christmas and Easter, typically Thanksgiving involves no gift-giving or extravagant galas. In comparision, most individuals invest significantly less energy into Thanksgiving. I would like to encourage everyone to spend some time thinking about the most important areas of their lives. Take the intiative and find a means to express your life priorities. Feel free to tell us what you are most thankful for on the comment wall.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, D&E Casino Services prioritizes family. As a family-based company, promoting familial interests is not only innate but essential. Staff within the office and shop are all family members and family-friends. Familial staffing ensures the maintenance of company integrity and cohesion. Everyday within the office is enertaining but productive. The efficiency of deliveries and event operations, that is a product of nonverbal communication and familial understanding, is truly amazing. With that said, this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my family and a working environment that enables me to enjoy their company in and out of the office.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veterans Day 2009

This week on November 11th, we celebrate veterans of U.S.

Military. The trials that veterans and active military personnel

have endured are quite dissimilar from the typical american's

hardships and are deserve the utmost celebration and

commendation. While most Americans have infinite venues of

relaxation and recreation, war combatants have access to much fewer forms of release. In

comparison to the soldiers that fought in World War I, U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have

more diverse methods of accessing the comforts of home. Internet connection, satellite

cellphones, and efficient mail services enable military personnel with a means to contact loved

ones, enjoy recreational media, and receive care-packages. Regardless of the additional comforts,

fighting a war is no easy task. With that said, we here at D&E Casino are saluting those that

fought and are currently fighting for the United States of America. Thank you for all that you do!