The crazy busyness of December preoccupied all of us at D&E Casino and now Christmas is 4 days away!!!!!!!!!! I have failed to complete any holiday shopping and am suddenly realizing that it is almost 2010. With more events scheduled for this week, it appears that scheduling in holiday time is somewhat analogous to a rubix cube.
I want to spend a couple sentences thanking our fabulous independent contractors, employees, and clients that have made the last month happen. Its been a wonderful coordination of efforts that has resulted in a rewarding experience for all of us. An experience that is significant this month and for many to follow.
In modern America Christmas is oftentimes reduced to a commercial charade that imposes demands of perfection and extravagant gift giving. As Christmas is traditionally a holiday of altruistic giving, we were so excited to see holiday giving in full-effect. Employers treating their employees. Families expressing their love through orchestrated events and well-thought out presents. Independent contractors surprising management with tokens of their affection. In a very fun display the CEO of Westfield Malls ( Peter Lowy ) took over the blackjack game and
entertained his employees for several minutes.

In closing D&E Casino Services would like to thank everyone once again and wish you all a Happy Holidays. May you spend it with loved ones and relish in the joy that is integral to the holiday season.
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